Professional flours (B2B)


Flour Tipovo type 1150 is used for production of ”Tipov” bread and other low calorie baker’s goods. The finished products are characterized by very pleasant scent and slightly sour taste, originating from the higher acidity of the dough. The size of the baker’s goods is normally developed, but smaller in comparison to that of products, made of white flour. The color of the crust is brown; the pores are small and evenly distributed.

Humidity, %, not more than: from 01.04. to 01.10. - 14.5, from 01.10. to 31.03. - 15.0; wet gluten, % - min 24.0 , ash content, % - mах 1.15


Tumno (dark) flour type 2000 is used for production of dietary bread with low calorie content. The flour is also applicable in other industrial fields, for example, in production of grain fodder, enzymes and alcohol.

Humidity, %, not more than: from 01.04. to 01.10. - 14.5, from 01.10. to 31.03. - 15.0; wet gluten, % - min 16.0, ash content, % - mах 2.0

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