Professional flours (B2B)


Special flour, developed for production of luxury multilayer pastry through more complicated technological processing, croissants and pastry from butter dough. Suitable for hand processing of the dough and machine lamination.

Humidity, %, not more than: from 01.04. to 01.10. - 14.5, from 01.10. to 31.03. - 15.0; wet gluten, % - min 38.0, ash content, % - mах 0.65.


Special flour with high protein content, developed for production of croissants and croissant pastry with rich recipes and more complicated technological processing. The flour is suitable for pastry, undergoing machine lamination and continuous technological processing.

Humidity, %, not more than: from 01.04. to 01.10. - 14.5, from 01.10. to 31.03. - 15.0; wet gluten, % - min 40.0, ash content , % – mах 0.65


Quality flour with high gluten content, possessing special gas holding characteristics, suitable for production of croissant pastry, which requires specific technological process with longer stage of fermentation.

Humidity, %, not more than: from 01.04. to 01.10. - 14.5, from 01.10. to 31.03. - 15.0; wet gluten, % - min 48.0, ash content, % - mах 0.65

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